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New Station, Old problem: Connecting VP2 Console to Windows PC

Posted: Wed 06 Sep 2023 7:55 pm
by yv1hx
Hello to all,

Has been a long time without posting a single character here.

My former university in Maracaibo has finally made to purchase a brand new VP2+ with USB datalogger and since I don't live in Venezuela I have providing some remote support, they want to run at the same time in a Windows PC the Davis WeatherLink proprietary software (why they want this is long history for later ..) and Cumulus 1 (legacy version first, then MX...), but seems the VirtualVP program is not available anymore.

There is a way to have both programs working at the same time?

I have been at least 7 years disconnected for this, so I'm open to your suggestions,


Re: New Station, Old problem: Connecting VP2 Console to Windows PC

Posted: Thu 07 Sep 2023 12:12 am
by PaulMy
Hi Marco,
There is a way to have both programs working at the same time?
I have seen posts where users are still able to run VirtualVP so that more than one program can be used at the same time, but not sure with what version(s) of Windows. A search at may give you some information, such as:

I run Cumulus1 nearly full time on Windows 8 PC only shutting it down periodically (every 15 days as that is the limit of data storage at 10 minute interval) to run WeatherlinkPC for a short while to do the data catch-up so that both Cumulus1 and WeatherlinkPC have full historical data. This could be done as often as you want, but may not be practical in your case.

But CumulusMX is the preferred as it offers more features and is actively being developed. The CumulusMX provides more Charts/trends including solar and ET from their new VP2 Plus.

Adding a Weatherlink Live (WLL) device will allow you to run CumulusMX from the WLL while WeatherlinkPC is running from the console/logger. I regularly run 3 instances of CMX with WLL and sometimes more when testing new version/features.
