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Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

From build 3044 the development baton passed to Mark Crossley. Mark has been responsible for all the Builds since. He has made the code available on GitHub. It is Mark's hope that others will join in this development, but at the very least he welcomes your ideas for future developments (see Cumulus MX Development suggestions).

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Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by ExperiMentor »

November 2020

These instructions now superseded by availability of a pre-built Raspberry Pi Image

see https://cumuluswiki.org/a/Raspberry_Pi_Image

I've seen requests for a fully laid-out set of instructions for installing CumulusMX on a Raspberry Pi, so here goes. I haven't yet quadruple-checked all this, so please let me know if you find any errors.

August/September 2019: updated as RaspBIAN has changed version to Buster (RaspBIAN 10), and current versions of CumulusMX (v3044 and later) no longer require workarounds to install an older version of mono for certain USB weather stations. Mono has now been updated to version

01 Mar 2020: I have been making minor changes in response to comments and fixes when system changes meant something did not work quite as before. Please continue telling m of any apparent bugs/errors. We seem to have a community who will help! :clap: :clap:

If you are wanting to bring data from a previous Cumulus 1 system into Cumulus MX, see this link for files and settings that you will need to adjust: https://cumuluswiki.org/a/Moving_from_Cumulus_1_to_MX.

Buy equipment
• Raspberry Pi Zero W
o A faster Pi is NOT needed for running Cumulus. Pi Zero W has WiFi and one USB port which is all that is needed for headless running.
o Using a faster Pi might speed parts of the installation process, but are overkill for actual ‘production’ running. A faster Pi will work fine though if you have one going spare and don't mind the extra power use.
o Case if desired
• Micro SD card eg 16 GB, decent quality. Adapter if needed to put Micro SD card in PC
• If you have a USB weather station: EITHER:
• A standard USB plug to micro USB plug data cable [this is not guaranteed to work, but they seem to and allow you to choose the length you want), OR
• The unusual 'USB plug to USB plug' cable that came with the Fine Offset station, together with an OTG cable (micro USB plug to standard USB socket)i [you may have got one free with a mobile phone or tablet]
• The above are not needed if you have a WiFi or ethernet weather station. An Ethernet weather station will need connected to your router, not the Pi.
• Suitable Micro USB power supply (it does not need to be a high power 2.5A version for Pi Zero W with only the weather station attached; it will be powered on 24/7, so a low power consumption ‘switched mode’ type is preferred – ie one that does not become warm when plugged in with nothing attached. You may have a suitable one from a mobile phone.

Download useful PC software and install on your PC
These instructions are for a Windows PC. Steps would be similar on a Mac, but programs and details would differ. Should also be possible with an Android tablet.

• PuTTY (an SSH client for Windows)
o https://www.putty.org/
• FileZilla (an FTP file transfer program for Windows)
o https://filezilla-project.org/download.php

These are needed only if you do not use the new automated Raspberry Pi Imager
• SD Formatter (the Windows Format facility will NOT do)
o https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/index.html
• balenaEtcher (for unzipping and burning images to SD cards) [Previously named 'Etcher']
o https://etcher.io/
• Win32DiskImager (for backup & restore of SD card images)
o https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/

Download Raspbian Pi Operating System
• Choose which Operating System you prefer. Any one of the RaspBIAN flavours is OK.
o "RaspBIAN Buster Lite" is smallest, but other than small file size it offers no advantage over installing the full version of RaspBIAN Buster.
o These instructions are being tested using "Raspbian Buster with desktop and recommended software", the largest of all, which could allow you to do other things more easily.

• Insert the SD card into your PC.

Update: You can now use the Raspberry Pi Imager instead of the previous manual installation instructions below. It is much simpler, therefore preferred.
• Get the imager for your OS (Windows, Mac or linux) from https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/
• Run 'imager'. Select the Raspberry Pi Operating System version you require on the Pi and choose your SD card. Click 'Write'. The SD card is then written and verified (slow).
Now omit all steps until the "Continue from here" heading below

Previous Manual Installation:
• Get the Operating System from https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ and save it on your PC
• Just click on “Download Zip” (torrent might be faster if you have the ability, but not worth installing just for this)
• Do not unzip it
• These instructions have been tested with kernel version 4.14, released 18 April 2018 and with kernel version 4.14, released 13 November 2018 [March 2019] and kernel version 4.19 released 10 July 2019

Install Pi Operating System onto Micro SD card
Format the SD card

• Put Micro SD card in PC (use adapter if needed)
o If re-using a previous Pi SD card, click ‘Cancel’ on the warning about needing to format the card
• Run SD Card Formatter (click Yes to ‘Allow to make changes to your device’).
o Need to use this program rather than the Format tool in File Explorer, because Pi SD cards end up with a very small ‘Windows accessible’ partition and a large partition containing Linux. SD Card Formatter allows reclaim of the large partition.
• Your SD card should automatically populate in the ‘Drive’ box. In case you have another SD card in your PC, ensure the correct card is selected!
• Click ‘Format’ and check and accept the Warning messages

Copy the Pi Raspbian Operating System onto the card
• Run balenaEtcher on your PC
• Click ‘Select Image’ and choose the ‘Raspbian Buster’ operating system zip file that was downloaded earlier
• SD card should be automatically populated. In case you have another SD card in your PC, ensure the correct card is selected!
• Click ‘Flash!’. The operating system will be copied to the card. This takes about 10 minutes, followed by another 8 minutes to ‘Verify’
• Cancel any messages about needing to Format the card - they are just indicating that Etcher has installed the partition that cannot be read by Windows
• On completion, the card is ‘ejected’ from the PC.
• Physically remove the SD card from your PC and then straight away reinsert it so that the content can be viewed in File Explorer
• TWO drives will now be visible for the SD card. You will likely see a warning that one of the drives needs to be formatted before it can be used. ‘Cancel’ that warning and ignore that drive.
• View the other drive, which is named ‘boot’ in File Explorer. Miss out the next 1 bullet below, as you can already see the folder contents

Continue from here if you used 'Raspberry Pi Imager' installation
• In File Explorer, view the SD card contents. You may need to remove the SD card and immediately reinsert it to make it visible.
• The visible folder contains a subfolder 'Overlays' and 37 files, including many with names starting 'BCM...' or 'start...elf'
• On the View tab, ensure the ‘File Name extensions’ is ticked
• Right click and select ‘New’, ‘Text document’. Change its name to SSH (deleting the .txt extension; you need to make an empty file called SSH not SSH.txt). Click ‘Yes’ to ‘Are you sure you want to change the extension?’. You should not put any content in this file.
• Right click and select ‘New’, ‘Text document’. Change its name to wpa_supplicant.conf (deleting the .txt extension; you need to make a file called wpa_supplicant.conf not wpa_supplicant.conf.txt). Click ‘Yes’ to ‘Are you sure you want to change the extension?’
• Right click on this new file and select ‘Open with Notepad’ or ‘Open with …’ then select Notepad. Enter the following content exactly as below (copy and paste) then edit your country code (if needed), WiFi network’s SSID and password: NOTE: Change GB as needed to be the code for your country. The quote marks should appear in the file, that is ssid="YourNetwork" not ssid=YourNetwork . Same for psk.

Code: Select all

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

If you want to handle multiple networks (eg, if you need to move the Raspberry Pi to a different location, or want to force use of a 5GHz network if it's available), you can add multiple networks and set priorities as follows. Note that the network with HIGHEST priority (eg priority=9) wins; any undefined default to priority=0, lowest. Use this alternative:

Code: Select all

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


• Not essential, but I like to keep copies of both those files for future use. They can be on the SD card with different names eg ‘SSH - Copy’ and ‘wpa_supplicant.conf - Copy’ as well as on your PC
• The function of these 2 files is to connect your Raspberry Pi to your network as soon as it boots, and allows you to connect to and control it from your PC by SSH using PuTTY. This avoids needing to connect a keyboard, mouse and monitor to the Raspberry Pi. It is particularly useful for Pi Zero W (or Pi Zero) which hasn’t got enough USB connections and no Ethernet (wired network) connection. This is called ‘Headless operation’.
• Right click on the ‘boot’ SD card in left pane of File Explorer and ‘Eject’ it safely.

Setting up the Raspberry Pi
• With nothing plugged into the Raspberry Pi, take the Micro SD card from your PC and put it in the Pi.
• In a later step, you will need to find out the Raspberry Pi’s IP address by looking at your network router’s web interface. I can’t help you with doing that. If you don’t know how to, an alternative is to connect a keyboard, mouse and monitor to the Raspberry Pi at this stage
• Plug the power supply into the Raspberry Pi. It will boot up (note flashing red and/or green LEDs depending on model).
• On your PC, log into your network router’s web interface and identify the Pi’s IP address, which will be in the form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, for example
o NOTE: If you will be switching from a faster “build” Raspberry Pi to a “production” Raspberry Pi Zero W, the IP address will change, so you’ll need to repeat this step later
o While in your network router for the ‘production’ Pi you will be using, set up some port forwarding that will be needed later.
o Forward port 8998 to your Pi’s IP address for TCP protocol if you want to be able to access the Cumulus web interface from the external internet (this brings potential security risk though). [Forwarding port 8002 as well was previously needed].
• Start PuTTY on your PC. In the box for ‘Host Name or IP address’, enter the Pi’s IP address from above. In the adjacent ‘Port’ box, enter 22. Connection type should be SSH. Click ‘Open’.
• A window opens. The first time you do this you will probably see a long message asking to confirm it is OK to connect to a not-previously-known device. Click ‘Yes’.
• Login to the Pi. Username is pi [lower case] and password is raspberry [lower case]
• You will see a warning that SSH is enabled but the password has not been changed, which is a security risk. We will change the password in a moment
• Type

Code: Select all

sudo raspi-config
Note, to copy from here (usually need to do 1 line at a time), select it then CTRL-C. To paste into the PuTTY window, right click.
• As needed, adjust the following settings:
o Change the password to something you will remember. Leaving it at raspberry is a serious security risk – exposes your whole network to hackers
o In Network Options,
 change the name of your pi to ‘Cumulus’ or something you prefer
 WiFi network and password have already been set by the wpa-supplicant.conf file added earlier
o In Boot Options, Desktop / CLI, select ‘Console Autologin’
o In Localisation Options,
 change ‘Locale’ if you need something different to en_GB.UTF-8. [Changing this takes quite a while on a slow Pi]. [As of Sep/Oct 2019, there is some kind of incompatibility between RaspBIAN Buster, mono v6.0.0.314 and locales other that en_GB - so unless you NEED another locale, it would be better to leave it as en_GB. The alternative is to force load an older version of Mono, for example v5.18]
 Change Timezone.
 Change Keyboard Layout if needed
 WiFi country has already been set by the wpa-supplicant.conf file added earlier
o In Interfacing options, SSH server has already been set to be enabled by the empty SSH file added earlier
o Select ‘Finish’. There is no need to reboot at this stage. But until you do, you will see messages "sudo: unable to resolve host raspberrypi", but these can be safely ignored (it's just because you renamed the Pi - will disappear after next reboot)

In the steps below, you will need to press y to agree to proceed at various times

If you have been building the Micro SD card on a fast Pi, now is the time to switch to the 'production' Pi, for which a slower Pi Zero W is more than adequate.
Shut down the Raspberry Pi safely.

Code: Select all

sudo halt
Move the micro SD card to the Pi Zero W.
Power on the Pi Zero W. Your SSH (PuTTY) session will close out and you'll need to reconnect after the Pi has rebooted. Use username pi and the new password you chose earlier.

Add the ‘Mono’ package
• Simplification: Mono is a package which allows programs to be written cross-platform so that they will run on Linux (including Raspberry Pi), Windows and Mac OS, similar to the Windows ‘.NET Framework’.
• The previous anomaly with the USB library not working with later versions of mono, affecting Fine Offset stations and the later Oregon Scientific stations (WMR88/100/200 etc) has been fixed (in CumulusMX build 3044 onwards) and these and other stations should now be fine with later/current versions of mono. I am currently using a Fine Offset with mono v5.18
• Process is to install a security certificate, add the mono server to the list of software sources [sources.list] that the Pi searches, then install the mono-complete package:

Code: Select all

sudo apt install apt-transport-https dirmngr gnupg ca-certificates
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF
echo "deb https://download.mono-project.com/repo/debian stable-raspbianbuster main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-stable.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade 
sudo apt-get install -y mono-complete
sudo apt autoremove
NOTE: 24 May 2020: added "&& sudo apt upgrade" into the above, as otherwise nothing was installed (packages were 'held back' by sudo apt-get upgrade). Not sure why this change seemed necessary. In retrospect I'm not sure it was needed.
The line 'sudo apt-get install -y mono-complete' is the one which does the installing. You will see progress (Unpacking, Selecting, Preparing, repeat ...) mono -on screen during the installation, which is quite slow.
At the time of writing (24 May 2020), this gets Mono v6.8.0.123 (check your version using 'mono -V'), which works with Buster (RaspBIAN 10). However, there have been reports of incompatabilities which require use of an older version of Mono. These may have now been fixed, or alternatively may be related to use of locales other than en_GB.UTF-8 . Please see other threads for discussions.
NOTE: 29 Feb 2020: added -y into the line sudo apt-get install -y mono-complete . This makes the install bypass the usual 'Continue Y/n?' prompt¨which was causing strange problems for some, eg worked if just pressed 'Enter' to accept the default 'Y', but aborted intallation if pressed 'Y Enter'. Bizarre.

Reboot your Raspberry Pi
This would be a reasonable time to reboot your Pi:

Code: Select all

sudo reboot
Your SSH (PuTTY) session will close out and you'll need to reconnect after the Pi has rebooted. Use username pi and the new password you chose earlier.

Install Cumulus on the Raspberry Pi
The download link is in the Wiki https://cumuluswiki.org/a/Software but you must sign up and log into the forum to see it. It’s a file called CumulusMXDist3079.zip [build 3079 = v3.6.3 on 21 May 2020, you may get a later version]. Download it to your PC, unzip on your PC which makes a directory named CumulusMX.
Remember where that directory is located then on PC run FileZilla
o In the ‘Host’ box, enter the Raspberry Pi’s IP address eg
o In Username, enter pi
o In Password enter your pi’s password
o In Port, enter 22
o Click ‘Quickconnect’. Raspberry Pi’s directory structure appears on the right and your PC’s directory structure is on the left.
o In the LEFT window, navigate to where you unzipped the download of Cumulus MX earlier. Ensure can see the folder name ‘CumulusMX’ in the lower left window
o In the RIGHT window, ensure that the folder /home/pi is shown (see top right window; contents in bottom right window include .cache, .config etc)
o Drag the folder ‘CumulusMX’ (not the higher level folder called CumulusMXDist3079) to an empty area in the lower right window (not onto one of the existing directories). Watch progress as this copies the whole CumulusMX folder and contents to directory ~/CumulusMX on the Pi
o Close FileZilla
On Raspberry Pi PuTTY window:

Code: Select all

sudo halt
Plug your USB weather station into the Raspberry Pi – USB cable into the OTG connector (via an OTG adaptor lead if needed) if using Raspberry Pi Zero W.
If you have an ethernet or WiFi linked weather station then you won't need to do this - I don't have one so I don't know exact details. Steve below says you need to enter the IP address during Cumulus setup, but then also adjust a disconnect period if you are also using Weatherlink software.

Running Cumulus
On PC, run PuTTY again and log in to the Pi as before (note you can save the IP address between sessions)

Code: Select all

cd ~/CumulusMX
sudo mono CumulusMX.exe
then follow the SandaySoft instructions for first run set up. The first thing you will want to do is access Cumulus via its web interface from your PC, so that you can update the settings. Using the IP address for your Pi, in your internet browser, enter: You’ll first see an empty dashboard page, then can access the Settings menu.

To make Cumulus run each time the Pi is rebooted (and force reboot in the early hours each day)
On the Pi, type:

Code: Select all

sudo crontab -e
On first run select the text editor you prefer (defaults to #1, nano, the easiest)
Then add the following lines at the end of the file:

Code: Select all

# Start Cumulus as background task 30s after reboot (delay to allow WiFi to startup)
@reboot (sleep 30;cd /home/pi/CumulusMX;sudo mono CumulusMX.exe) &

# Reboot each day at 0253
53 02 * * * sudo reboot

# It's best to have an inactive line at the end
To stop the Pi and restart it without CumulusMX running (eg you need to do that if upgrading the CumulusMX version)

Code: Select all

sudo crontab -e
edit to put a # at the start of the line "@reboot..."
Ctrl-X to save the change to crontab and reboot using

Code: Select all

sudo reboot
When your pi restarts, CumulusMX will no longer be running. You can then do your version upgrade or other task.

To revert to normal auto-running of CumulusMX, go through the same again, but this time edit crontab to remove the # from the start of the line "@reboot...". Save changes and reboot - CumulusMX will be running.

Updating a version of CumulusMX is easily done as follows:
1. Stop CumulusMX running (it locks files while it is running)
2. Install the updated CumulusMX version into a new directory - I call mine CumulusMX3050 so that I can easily see which build it is
3. copy the following from the old CumulusMX directory to the new CumulusMX3050 directory:
- your CumulusMX/Cumulus.ini file
- your CumulusMX/data directory
- your CumulusMX/twitter.txt file (if you have personalised it)
- your CumulusMX/web directory (if you have personalised any web files)
4. Change your startup instruction to use the version in the new directory eg cd /home/pi/CumulusMX3050;sudo mono CumulusMX.exe

With that method you can easily revert back to the old version if something has gone wrong. If all is well, you can delete the old directory after a few days/weeks/months/if you need the space.

Updating mono version
First, stop CumulusMX as above by editing crontab.
Then remove the present version of mono:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get purge libmono* cli-common mono-runtime
sudo apt-get autoremove
Then install the new version

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install -y mono-complete
Next re-enable auto running by editing crontab to remove the #
and finally

Code: Select all

sudo reboot
Last edited by ExperiMentor on Mon 09 Nov 2020 11:29 pm, edited 40 times in total.
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by steve »

A point about the Mono version - it’s the USB library which doesn’t work with later versions, so the issue affects Fine Offset stations and the later Oregon Scientific stations (WMR88/100/200 etc). Other stations should be fine.
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by ExperiMentor »

Thanks Steve
Now edited above to mention that

Update August 2019:
CumulusMX has now been fixed to avoid this anomaly, so there is now only one set of instructions above to install the latest version of mono (presently v5.18 - it works with my Fine Offset station
Last edited by ExperiMentor on Fri 16 Aug 2019 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by biltmorelaker »

So, I have a Davis Vantage Vue with 6555 IPLink interface. It uploads to the Davis WeatherLink website. So, for me, I will need to either download data from there or grab the data from the interface (I have WeatherLink software so I know the port number and, of course, I know the ip address of my Davis interface.)

Any tips or guidance on this? I would like to grab it from the Interface, if possible without disrupting the uploads.
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by steve »

You can download using the IP address and port number in the Cumulus settings, and you will need to set a “disconnect period” so that Cumulus disconnects once a minute to allow the logger to upload to weatherlink.com. You will need to experiment with the timing of the disconnect so that enough time is allowed for the upload.But note that this is not entirely reliable, and MX does not currently handle the connection being unavailable, and may crash.
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by biltmorelaker »

Great, Steve. Thanks. I had gotten Cumulus MX running on my PI a while ago (and played with the timeout). It did crash periodically, and I couldn't figure why. I was taken away from it with some medical issues and have been trying to get some time to address it again. I guess I have a couple of options:

1. I can play with the timeouts and hopefully get them right with automated periodic reboots and/or restarts of Cumulus MX to handle crashes.
2. I can give up on the uploading of data to WeatherLink.com (I need to find out how to shut that off).
3. I can download the data from WeatherLink.com (I believe that will be easier once Davis moves my account from Weatherlink.com ver 1 to WeatherLink.com ver 2). WeatherLink software running on my Windows PC can do that, I think, even with ver 1 of Weatherlink.com. Can Cumulus MX do that?

Given what Steve said, 3 may be best. Suggestions on doing that?
Any other choices? What do others generally do here?

Sorry if I am asking questions that have already been asked. I will also do some searching in the FAQs and forum posts.
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by steve »

No, Cumulus can’t download from weatherlink.com.
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by biltmorelaker »

OK. I did some more work. I found out how to disable uploads from the Davis WeatherLink IP data logger to weatherlink.com. Finding how to do that wasn't obvious. I convinced Davis tech support to (reluctantly) tell me how to do it. If anyone else cares to know how just DM me.

With that upload disabled, CumulusMX seems to run rock solidly - no crashes. :P

I would, though, like to also do the uploads to weatherlink.com. I will start a new thread and ask for input on the best settings (especially the "delay" setting) to allow that if anyone has succeeded in doing so.

Steve, if you see your way to resuming development, hopefully you will address the issue of CumuluxMX crashing when it encounters a conflict accessing the Davis WeatherLink IP data logger. Another, and perhaps easier way would be to add functionality for Cumulus to upload data to weatherlink.com. The Davis protocols are well known. Since Cumulus can read data right from the WeatherLink IP data logger, it should be possible to program Cumulus to initiate the handshake to weatherlink.com, log in with the user's credentials, and stream the data there (the data logger uploads once/minute.

Also, please expect my donation for the work you've done so far.
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by harrym1byt »

I would seem to be going round in ever decreasing circles on the mono problem....

I have R Pi with the very latest upto date Raspian installed and I installed the latest mono which is NOT working with my FO usb. I know I need to uninstall my copy of mono and install a v 3.x, but I have been struggling to find a v3.x to install. I have managed to download a file by the name of limono-cil-dev_3.12.1-Oxamarin1_all.deb to my PC, is that the mono file I need?
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by harrym1byt »

All now working, after a more thorough reading of the first post in this thread..

I managed (eventually) to download a copy of mono v3.1 directly onto the Pi, rename it, then install it.
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by ExperiMentor »

harrym1byt wrote:All now working, after a more thorough reading of the first post in this thread..

I managed (eventually) to download a copy of mono v3.1 directly onto the Pi, rename it, then install it.
Glad it helped. I wasted ages ...!
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by phipps »

I'm having issues with the auto start of CMX when the Pi reboots. What file do I add that text in? I'm not understanding the last part.

Also, get an error when I type the crontab -e. It tells me no such directory.

Other than this last part the install went flawlessly and my station is up and running!
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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by dazza1223 »


RaspberyPi - Start|Stop|Restart Script

https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewtopic.p ... hilit=mono
Have fun and keep learning

dazza :D


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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by phipps »

Guess I didn't explain my self well.

When I try to run "sudo crontab -e" I get an error stating no such directory.

If I run "crontab -e" I get the editor to add the code as explained at the end of the first post. Can I do it here or does it have to be done under "sudo". If it has to be done under sudo, how do I correct the error I'm getting?


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Re: Instructions: Installing CumulusMX on Raspberry Pi

Post by phipps »

Got it figured out! For some reason if I copy and paste the code from the post above it didn't like it, but when I typed it in myself it worked fine.

I have my Pi up and running CumulusMX and it's working great! Thanks for the step by step instructions.

I do have a couple questions, what's the reasoning behind doing a reboot every night?

Also, what's the "safest" way to shut down CumulusMX and the Pi if I need to make changes or move it, etc?

Thanks again!!

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