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Apparent / feels like temperature definition?

Posted: Sun 04 Jan 2015 9:09 am
by duke
What do you conceive to be the definition or the difference between the 'apparent temperature' and the 'feels like' temperature?

Re: Apparent / feels like temperature definition?

Posted: Sun 04 Jan 2015 9:44 am
by steve
The 'apparent temperature' as calculated by Cumulus is defined by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology -

I don't think that 'feels like' has a strict definition, and it is usually determined from wind chill or heat index, whichever one currently applies, with the ambient temperature being used for the 'gap' in the middle where neither currently applies.

Re: Apparent / feels like temperature definition?

Posted: Sun 04 Jan 2015 1:31 pm
by beteljuice
Hi duke - because you are using saratoga templates the later applies.
For historical / cross-platform reasons saratoga does its own calculations for 'feels like' and beaufort winds.

eg. running 'debug' on your site gives:

Code: Select all

<!-- CU_setFeelslike input T,WC,HI,HU,AT,U='4.5,4.5,4.5,4.5,2.8,&deg;C'
     cnvt T,WC,ApparentTemp='4.5,4.5,2.8'&deg;C
     feelslike=5 hcWord=Cold
From above you can see Cumulus is reporting 2.8 C using Aus BOM, but saratoga is ouputing 4.5 C (rounded to 5).
I believe Leuven templates work the same way.

This is all in the CU-defs.php

Re: Apparent / feels like temperature definition?

Posted: Sun 04 Jan 2015 3:42 pm
by duke
Hi Beteljuice, that's what threw me, I had just added the 'apparent' tag to a different template set and checked it against the Saratoga set only to see a different value :? .

As Steve says (thanks for the link), there does not appear to be an 'official' definition / calculation for 'feels like' even though it is used / quoted by most weather agency's, so I'll use the Cumulus calculated apparent.

Perhaps at some time when Steve is less busy he may be able to add an apparent calculation for comparison.