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Re: Cumulus MX Announcements

Posted: Sun 25 Jan 2015 6:27 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3014 which fixes a number of issues. See the "known issues" post for details.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements

Posted: Mon 26 Jan 2015 8:15 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3015 which fixes a number of issues. See the "known issues" post for details.

This build also sets the console clock on Davis stations (at start up and at 0400) if you have 'synchronise station clock' selected.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements

Posted: Tue 27 Jan 2015 7:07 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3016 which fixes a number of issues. See the "known issues" post for details.

Multiple connections to the user interface should now be possible (previously only one websocket connection was supported, so a second connection to the 'dashboard' page, for example, killed the first connection).

It is now possible to override the default port for the websocket server, by passing a -wsport parameter to the program, e.g.:

sudo mono CumulusMX.exe -wsport 8888

This is useful if port 8002 is already in use, or you want to run multiple instances of MX on the same machine (in the latter case you would also need to supply a -port parameter to use a different port for the HTTP interface). The 'Dashboard', 'Now', and 'Gauges' pages interrogate Cumulus when they load to find the websocket port that instance is using.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements

Posted: Fri 30 Jan 2015 3:06 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3017, with the following changes:

Should improve TCP/IP connections for Davis stations.

The web site gauges are now at version 2.5.3 (thanks to Mark). You will need to upload the files (in webfiles as usual) to your web site.

There is now a separate option to upload the graph data files, instead of this being included in the standard files upload (default is to upload them).

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements

Posted: Sat 31 Jan 2015 12:22 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3018, which has the following changes:

Allow longer for the Davis clock time to be received when using TCP/IP connections (e.g. via Virtual VP). The serial port code does not currently have this change.

Add extra logging to the diags file for data received from Davis stations. Add a line


to the [Station] section of Cumulus.ini. Use this with care, the log will get very large.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements

Posted: Mon 09 Feb 2015 11:34 am
by steve
I've uploaded build 3019 which fixes a couple of issues. See the "known issues" post for details. Note that I have changed the name of the top-level folder in the zip file from 'CumulusMXDist' to 'CumulusMX'.

The UI gauges are now at the latest version (thanks to Mark). I don't seem to have actually included them - hopefully next time!

The footers on the UI pages are now consistent and give the version and build number.

It also implements the following web tags (Davis only):


Re: Cumulus MX Announcements

Posted: Tue 17 Feb 2015 5:27 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3020, which makes sure that all of the places a Davis can return 255 for wind speed and negative rain rate are handled. It also updates the SteelSeries gauges to version 2.5.5.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements

Posted: Wed 04 Mar 2015 4:34 pm
by steve
I've upload build 3021, which fixes a few bugs, and adds a few enhancements.

The charts are now done using Highcharts. I've also changed the structure of both the interface files and the web files, to make them tidier and make it clearer which files belong top which package, so if you're uploading to a web site you will need to upload the contents of the webfiles folder again. This restructuring was quite a big change, so watch out for any issues, I may have got something wrong.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements - PLEASE READ THESE!

Posted: Tue 24 Mar 2015 6:40 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3022 which fixes a number of issues. See the "known issues" post for details. Note that this build includes an update to the Highstock (charts) package, both in the UI and in the 'webfiles' folder for uploading to a web site. The cumuluscharts.js from this build contains a fix for the problem which occurs when your web server sends the wrong content type for the graph data files, and should also be uploaded to your web site.

I've also added some more diagnostics to try to find the cause of the problem where data stops being read from Davis stations. Debug logging is required to be turned on.

You can turn on debug logging by adding "Logging=1" to the [Station] section of Cumulus.ini, with Cumulus stopped.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements - PLEASE READ THESE!

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2015 10:50 am
by steve
I've uploaded build 3023, which fixes a few issues and adds daily graphs for rainfall, min/max/average temperature, and sunshine hours. For the web site graphs you will need to upload the updated cumuluscharts.js file to your web site.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements - PLEASE READ THESE!

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2015 6:27 am
by steve
I forgot to mention that you can now control the output format of <#tomorrowdaylength> using an entry in strings.ini. Add a [Solar] section, and in that add entries for MoreDaylightTomorrow and/or LessDaylightTomorrow. As an example, the default is:

MoreDaylightTomorrow=There will be {0}min {1}s more daylight tomorrow
LessDaylightTomorrow=There will be {0}min {1}s less daylight tomorrow

The {0} and {1} strings are placeholders for where you want the minutes and seconds to appear.

As a further example, a poor attempt at a French translation:

MoreDaylightTomorrow=Il y aura {0} minutes {1} secondes plus la lumière du jour demain
LessDaylightTomorrow=Il y aura {0} minutes {1} secondes moins la lumière du jour demain

Don't forget that a restart is required to pick up any strings.ini changes.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements - PLEASE READ THESE!

Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2015 5:20 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3024 which fixes a number of issues (see the "known issues" post for details).

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements - PLEASE READ THESE!

Posted: Fri 22 May 2015 1:51 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3025.

<#tomorrowdaylength> calculation is wrong
High min temp date is wrong
Monthly alltime record broken on 1st of month before 0900/1000 gets assigned to wrong month, if using 0900/1000 rollover
Davis Extra Temp 7 value incorrect
Easyweather.dat input not working
Stops working after WMR88/100 UV packet received

Debug logging, diagnostic data logging, and ftp logging can now be set in the UI
Davis archive data is now downloaded twice, in case first download took a long time and later entries have since been logged. When enabled, stats are now read every 15 minutes (approx).
Reading of Davis reception stats is now optional and off by default (enable via station settings screen)
Improved checking for invalid Davis loop packets, and resynchronisation should be quicker
Changed Fine Offset 'synchronise reads' code to avoid problems
Improved console messages at start up to indicate whether station has been connected successfully
Make sure dayfile.txt entry is always logged to diags in case of problems writing file
'Stop second instance' option now implemented
Graph periods can now be configured

Cumulus can now update a MySQL database. There are six options - the first three are for realtime.txt data, monthly logfile data, and dayfile.txt data. Each time Cumulus creates the realtime.txt file, or adds an entry to a monthly log or dayfile.txt, it will execute the appropriate SQL upload, if enabled. The schema are taken from the ImportCumulusFile script. The MySQL settings screen has buttons for creating the tables, once you have submitted the configuration details. The last three options are for 'custom' MySQL uploads. For these, you need to supply the SQL insert statement, using webtags for the data, and you need to have created the table yourself. For example, say you have created a table using the following SQL:

CREATE TABLE MyMonthlyTable (LogDateTime DATETIME NOT NULL,Temp decimal(4,1) NOT NULL,Wind decimal(4,1) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (LogDateTime))

You can then get Cumulus to periodically add entries to this table by specifying the following SQL string:

INSERT IGNORE INTO test (logdate,temp,wind) Values('<#time format="yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss">',<#temp>,<#wspeed>)

You can configure three SQL updates; one at an interval in seconds, one at an interval in minutes (the interval is constrained to be a factor of 60, so takes place at fixed minutes past the hour), and one at rollover time (just before the rollover takes place).

Note that your SQL hosting may require you to specify a hostname or address range which is allowed to access your database remotely.

The distribution also includes a command-line utility called ExportMySQL (which will also run under mono). This allows you to upload your dayfile.txt and monthly logs to the database. It takes one parameter, and this can be "dayfile" (i.e "ExportMySQL dayfile", in which case it will upload your dayfile.txt, or "monthly", in which case it will upload all of your monthly log files (i.e "ExportMySQL monthly" - this could take a very long time), or you can supply the name of one monthly log file, including the path, and it will upload just that file (e.g. ExportMySQL data\Apr15log.txt). If you want to upload the current monthly log, it may be advisable to stop Cumulus first. Note that the utility expects tp be in the Cumulus MX installation directory, and reads the MySQL configuration details from Cumulus.ini, so you will need to have configured that first, and created the database tables.

The realtime.txt upload has an optional 'retention' setting, which will cause entries older than the value specified to be deleted from the database after each upload. It should be specified as a MySQL 'interval', e.g. 24 HOUR or 1 DAY or 1 WEEK etc.

Cumulus now offers custom HTTP uploads - rather like the way that Weather Underground is updated, but you specify a custom HTTP URL. Typically this will invoke a PHP script, and you can supply parameters using webtags for the data. For example:< ... =<#wspeed>

Or you could use the ImportCumulusFile script, and get Cumulus to invoke it thus: ... nUnit=hour

As with the custom MySQL uploads, three intervals can be used - seconds, minutes, and daily.

I hope the new MySQL and HTTP facilities will be useful, please report any problems in the forum, and suggest any improvements that could be made to them.

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements - PLEASE READ THESE FIRST

Posted: Sun 26 Jul 2015 7:16 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3026, which fixes the following issues:
  • Crashes at startup if sun is always up (or down). There are other related issues with things like daylight length at higher latitudes
  • Sunshine hours on daily graphs sometimes shows previous day's figure
  • No data read from WM918 on Raspberry Pi - same as earlier problem with WMR928, deficiency in Mono, need to rewrite code to work around
  • Davis wind chill is always degrees C if logger data is being used
  • Communication issues with Davis IP loggers
  • Rounding issues with Beaufort calculations

Re: Cumulus MX Announcements - PLEASE READ THESE FIRST

Posted: Tue 04 Aug 2015 6:58 pm
by steve
I've uploaded build 3027, which should fix the following issues:
  • Use of 'periodic disconnect' for Davis IP connections causes crash - should be fixed in 3027
  • 'Recent data' missing if duplicate timestamps in log files - should be fixed in 3027
  • Twitter stops working on some systems - should be fixed in 3027